FINAL Live Music Sunday with Spike Sikes — CANCELED
Join us for our LAST Sunday show of the year! The always great Spike Sikes returns to Horse & Plow on October 22nd. Spike grew up in El Paso, Texas and studied jazz at the University of North Texas. Spike’s music goes by many names. Soul. Swing. Rhythm & Blues. Jazz. Jump. It’s a sound that’s classic and simple, but when it’s done right, it hits the spot, and has you grinning from ear to ear. Some of his biggest influences include Ray Charles, Miles Davis, Van Morrison, Cleanhead Vinson, Gatemouth Brown, Lightnin Hopkins and Albert Ayler.
The seating is general admission and tickets are limited, so make sure to purchase your tickets soon and arrive early to grab your seat! $5 per ticket.
NOTE: Club members receive free admission, so please call or email us for tickets.
Sunday, October 22, 2023 CANCELED